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Non-Sparking Wrench Spanner Doule Open Ring End By Copper yllium Non-Sparking Wrench Spanner Doule Open Ring End By Copper yllium Khóa mở bulong hai đầu miệng bằng đồng S000042 61 Hand tools Số lượng: 1 cái

  • Non-Sparking Wrench Spanner Doule Open Ring End By Copper yllium

  • Đăng ngày 20-02-2016 12:25:16 AM - 2856 Lượt xem
  • Giá bán: Giá bán liên hệ
  • Khóa mở bulong hai đầu miệng bằng đồng

ur tools can be used for demanding, high-risk surroundings where a spark can create a disaster, including EOD,natural-gas installations,chemicals industry, oil tankers, gas works, oil drilling platforms, oil refineries, petrochemical plants, shipyards, nuclear industries, ammunition factories and aircraft factories etc.
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